I have researched Lagaan, Slumdog Millionaire, and Monsoon Wedding from a few different review websites.
- "Simply put, superb. If you've never seen a Bollywood movie before, this is an excellent place to start.- "I was told the movie lasted close to 4(!) hours... I figured this would be a complete waste of time... BOY was I wrong! This movie is completely the opposite! It is just amazing!"
- "I can't remember a movie being this thrilling and having so much life in it. And the music has a huge impact"
- "While Lagaan may be criticized for its predictability, it compares favorably to other sports classics such as Pride of the Yankees and The Bad News Bears -- while at the same time it's also reminiscent of timeless musicals such as Grease and even Romeo and Juliet. Even better, it’s a fairy tale that comes from a renowned Indian film culture that allows Americans to finally revel in its splendor."
Slumdog Millionaire
- "“Slumdog Millionaire” is garnering some awards attention and for good reason. Already with best picture nominations from the Golden Globes and the SAG’s, it’s easily the most entertaining and redemptive film I’ve seen this year. Danny Boyle doesn’t pull any punches and delivers a deeply moving picture that works on every level."- "The film is a simple one, and the life of Malik sometimes flirts with cliche. But the movie succeeds as a sum of its parts, and its slow-building power becomes intoxicating. The film looks absolutely gorgeous, with widescreen vistas of India contrasting with sharp, intrusive closeups during interrogation scenes. The scenes set on the game show itself are both electric and claustrophobic, with Boyle doing his best to approximate the feeling of being on that once legendary show."
- "The acting is uniformly excellent"
- "Since when has sheer energy been reason enough for critical praise? Boyle has proven himself able at mixing his style with several genres thus far, but here, his bold color schemes and hyperactive camera finds scraps for a story, and the buzzing production drowns out Beaufoy's structurally-intriguing script."
Monsoon Wedding
- "The power in the film is its masterful weaving together of the global community in which we live."
- "The visual energy, dancing and music of the film is a cultural feast worthy of the experience, but the value of the film rests in the authentic presentation of our universal spiritual and family lives."
- "Western audiences will appreciate a look at unfamiliar Indian customs like women painting their hands with henna."
- "Sabrina Dhawan's screenplay is vibrant with witty dialog"
- "Monsoon Wedding contains an unbridled intimacy and joy"
- "Nair captures that theory on celluloid in a convincing and memorable fashion, and it’s applied to a people that have been underrepresented in most movie houses."
To find out more about these reviews, you can visit the websites that I found all of these comments on:
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