Monday, April 20, 2009

Bollywood Action vs. Hollywood

Aamir is an intense storyline packed with ethical and religious messages that could take an entire book to dissect, but my focus is on the filmic devices used. Aamir was different from any of the other Bollywood movies I've watched in that it was an action movie. I am used to seeing Hollywood action but never a Bollywood action movie. So what makes it different? Really, there isn't much difference. The film, like Hollywood action, utilizes suspenseful music at dramatic moments to increase both visual and audial suspense. Two primary examples is when Aamir is tossed the phone and when he opens the suitcase (there is a crescendo as the case is slowly opened). The camera moves in similar ways as well -- quick traveling shots during chase scenes, fast cuts, close ups of Aamir for reactions to what the man on the other end of the phone is saying. Another common thread in the film is montage shots of other people watching Aamir throughout the day reminding the viewer (and Aamir) that the man on the phone has people everywhere -- he is constantly being watched.

The main difference I found between this Bollywood action and a Hollywood movie is the music. Yes, music was used in the same way to create suspense, but there were also a few numbers distinctly Bollywood. There were no song and dance numbers in the film (it would have definitely bumped viewers out of the emotional distress of the movie if there were) but there were at least two times in the film where Aamir is walking around and a song is playing in the background narrating what is happening internally. These moments are always focused on Aamir -- as if Aamir could be singing them at this moment because it is what he is feeling going through. Even though there is no song and dance number like many Bollywood movies, Aamir still uses music as a narrative device, which is not common in many western or Hollywood action.

Another interesting difference is the lack of a female lead. In Hollywood, the male is prompted to extreme action because of a beautiful damsal, but there is not one in this film, and yet, it was still highly enjoyable.

I couldn't find the songs with subtitles but here are two of the songs from the movie so you can hear what they wound like...

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